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There are plenty of good, free subnet calculators that give you the IP addresses for a particular subnet. That is not what SubnetCreator does. It does just the opposite. Give it an IP address range and it will tell you what subnets you need to compose that IP address range.

If you use products that only understand IP subnets yet have requests to use ranges, e.g., creating iptables firewall rules for a range of addresses rather than just one specific subnet, then you may find SubnetCreator helpful. It is simple and performs only one function but we are not aware of any other GUI tool that performs this one function.

A picture explains it all. Here is what it looks like:

Subnet Creator is built upon the IPUtilities Qt Class. IPUtilities provides several other useful methods:

returns the dotted decimal equivalent of an IP address expressed as a binary value (represented in decimal)

returns the binary equivalent (represented in decimal) of the provided dotted decimal IP address

Returns the base network address given an IP address and a netmask

Returns the dotted decimal network mask given the length of the mask

Returns the number of 1 bits (mask length) given a dotted decimal netmask

Returns true of the given IP address range is within the given network

IPUtilities also includes Input Validators and Regular Expressions for IP addresses and subnet masks.

IPRange is a powerful class for further storing, manipulating and comparing IP addresses and IP address ranges.

IPUtilities and IPRange are included in the source code for Subnet Creator.